Tuesday 31 March 2009

Media in this day and age.

It has become apparent to me that for those of us who are nerdy in nature are in for some bad times.

I refer of course to the drought of media in this day and age. With the economic downturn and an endeavour to feature ever more illustrious special effects in movies production times increase exponentially.
As is the same for the games industry; high budget projects by succesful studios can take anything up to 7 or 8 years to complete. While the less known, less succesful and less funded studios are forced to abandon their projects to avoid bankrupcy.

It's a shame in my opinion that the smaller studios are forced to stop production as often I find their games are far superior to those created and published by the giants of the industry.
The giants are too concerned with tweaking their games to perfection and ensuring nothing less than mind-blowing beauty, usually leaving the game devoid of good gameplay and us with a hollow, dissapointed feeling.

This holds true for movies too; instead of releasing multiple movies in a year, many of which could be great the studios opt for one movie. One with more effects and action than story or character developement and sadly once again leaving us dissapointed.

I don't even need to tell you how bad the music industry is these days, do I?
Ever more horrible, untalented indie groups who couldn't battle their way through their own songs on Rock Band - Easiest Difficulty. The type with the generic, mind piercingly annoying southern English accent and a band who fail to comprehend how to wield their instruments.
You know the kind I mean, where every song is the same horribly strummed chord progression, backed by the one fretted, one string bass guitar all kept in time by the mentally disabled drummer who instead of drums has a carrier bag full of coke cans and stick.

All in all, these are bad days for media. No music, no movies, no games. Leaving a lot of us lost and bewildered, nothing to keep our minds going. :(


1 comment:

Sam said...

Good post Craig, i agree with what you said but i feel it isn't entirely due to the economic downturn.

The film industry seems to have warped itself into a generic film pattern. I watched Ben-Hur the other day which is truely epic, films that come out in recent years are not comparible.